Tuesday, March 9, 2010

tuesday music find.

good afternoon, friends. i might be a little behind in jumping on The xx bandwagon, but i'm glad i did. check them out, and see what you think for yourself!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

day to day.

these are some of my daily indulgences at the moment, and, for now, they are all highly recommended to all.

1. thursday plantation's tea tree australian chewing sticks (i'm proud to say i have turned friends and co-workers into toothpick junkies). you can pick these little boogers up at your nearest health food store. these birchwood toothpicks are 'impregnated' (says the box...which i like and think is funny....cause i'm a twelve year old) with tea tree oil and other natural extracts. i'd say i'm up to a pack every couple of weeks. i'll cut back...when i'm ready.

2. andrew bird's noble beast album (check playlist below to hear just a little sampling of this goodness). you can buy the album on his website here, if you are inclined to do so. my mornings have consisted of coffee in hand, tea tree australian chewing stick (only $3.99 a pack!) dangling in mouth (like a true southerner), and mister bird's anonanimal blasting in my car.

3. meetings. i have been making more of an effort to get to meetings, such as nyack's village hall planning board meetings, book discussions at the library, and other groups that support a common interest. i find that even if i am not in the mood for the small talk with random people i don't know, i always walk away learning something about my community, literature, or myself.

4. double espresso. anyone who wants to buy me an espresso machine is highly encouraged. i just like to think i'm doing my part by stimulating the economy. i'm such a great citizen!

5. writing pretend scripts for 30 Rock and SNL in my head....and then laughing to myself because i think they are hilarious....god, i'm such a loser. yes, this is, unfortunately, a daily activity. (i wonder if this has something to do with not having cable).

6. lighting a candle. (if you are like me when it comes to relaxing, also check out AuraCacia brand aromatherapy....this isn't a daily ritual, but i had to share the wealth).

7. reading at night- either a novel, the new yorker, or the paper. no matter what, a poem is the last thing i read before sleep....the best ones are from people in your life.

8. laughing.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

magic gardens are like oatmeal on a cold day.

so, i was roaming the south street neighborhood of philadelphia with some friends this past weekend, and i thankfully stumbled upon one of the best displays of community beautification i have ever laid eyes on. i have always been obsessed with cities, landscapes, architecture, and the integration of art within communities. so in my own little world, i was standing there as indiana jones would upon his latest find. no, i am not being dramatic. i'm just weird. it's the simple things. philadelphia's magic gardens is a folk art environment and gallery space that shows the brilliant mosaic work of mr. isaiah zagar. i encourage you to read more about his devotion to the south street neighborhood on the website. essentially, zagar began revitalizing the area in the 60's, with the help of his wife, by creating an indoor gallery and gigantic outdoor labyrinthine from objects (bottles, bicycles, umbrellas, mirrors, mom's pearls, grandpa's dentures- not really...well, maybe, i don't know...but you get the point) and recycled material found on the streets of the neighborhood. there are tributes, and tours, and tunnels, and grottos galore! unfortunately, i only got to spend a few moments staring through the gates, eyes wide open, and jaw dropped....m-e-s-m-e-r-i-z-e-d. like all enticing treats, this artwork left me wanting more. i cannot wait to go back and explore!

soul food

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