Monday, February 22, 2010


i wanted to try and illustrate what i perceive to be the natural flow of self-awareness with this photo using placement of words, and colors. the tree itself is absolutely breathtaking, and stands alone in an open savannah at the Murchison Falls National Park. how do you view the process of inner growth? do you think of certain images when reflecting on your journey of self? 


  1. you are doing well with spicing up your blog with art and beauty!

  2. k,
    i watched "america the beautiful" today for the first time. eve ensler had some amazing things to say about beauty that she learned from a woman in africa. basically, the woman said, "eve, look at that tree. do you think it is beautiful?" eve said yes. the woman pointed at another, different tree: "and is that tree less beautiful because it is different?" eve had to say no, of course not.

    your photograph reminds me of that.

    and i like your blog. :)


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